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Julie Bowen Quotes

Born On
Birth Place
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Birth Sign
John Luetkemeyer Jr
Suzanne Luetkemeyer
Scott Phillips, Scott Phillips

People are so easily impressed by running, but I run pretty frequently.

Julie Bowen

It's a war of attrition. If you have patience and a modicum of faith in yourself your chances are not too bad.

Julie Bowen

Immaculate conception is the only way another kid is coming out of me!

Julie Bowen

It was harder to get my driver's license than to get pregnant and give birth.

Julie Bowen

I suffer the terrible disease of low self-esteem.

Julie Bowen

I'm so not stylish by nature, but I've learned to work with what I have.

Julie Bowen

I haven't really had that many opportunities to play 'lead' so I guess I jumped at the chance. I have also never done any 'sci-fi' projects and thought it might be fun.

Julie Bowen

Sometimes good enough is good enough.

Julie Bowen

I'm incredibly lucky.

Julie Bowen

I play a scientist in a futuristic world in which 99% of the men have been wiped out. As a result, the women are nearly all homosexuals and the children are cloned.

Julie Bowen

I feel the most pulled together when I'm going for the tomboyish thing.

Julie Bowen

My darling father gave me some decent getaway sticks - my legs are OK.

Julie Bowen

I met Clinton at a benefit for teachers, which was a very good charity, but I met him for about 90 seconds, and I thought it was important to meet the leader of the free world. So I stood next to him for a photograph, and then apparently that's all it takes.

Julie Bowen

I've had a little bad, bad media luck the new year. Well, apparently I'm dating Bill Clinton, which makes me nervous. I didn't know, though.

Julie Bowen

I guess I'm not that aware of such a big fan base. I have a few core people who write me no matter what I'm doing, but I hardly have sacks of mail being dropped on my door!

Julie Bowen

People always tell me I have a lot of guy energy.

Julie Bowen

I'm less comfortable in stilettos than I am in running shoes.

Julie Bowen

I've loved doing 'E.R.' for the quality of the writing and the great people I get to work with.

Julie Bowen

I have a big mouth.

Julie Bowen

I'm on a strict gossip diet. No gossip websites, no gossip magazines. Otherwise, I find it paralyzing to exist.

Julie Bowen

Baltimore is a great place.

Julie Bowen

Running was the first thing I discovered that I was any good at.

Julie Bowen

I always come across sounding like I hate my children. I actually love them very much.

Julie Bowen

I'm not in shape.

Julie Bowen

Women in Hollywood are tiny, but women in soap operas are the tiniest people alive!

Julie Bowen

I grew up playing field hockey and lacrosse - prep school sport - and I was terrible at them.

Julie Bowen

My parents had an old-fashioned ideal of college, that four years at a liberal arts college should be a liberal arts education.

Julie Bowen

I consider a day without running a crappy day.

Julie Bowen

I love my job.

Julie Bowen

I had many decades of me time and now I just don't have that anymore. There are days when I rail against it.

Julie Bowen

I've worn some ugly shoes.

Julie Bowen

I read books more than I go out.

Julie Bowen

There's an expression: Great is the enemy of the good. Sometimes in trying to be great, you make a mess of things.

Julie Bowen

As I have gotten older, I've discovered the joys of being lazy.

Julie Bowen

Children are like crazy, drunken small people in your house.

Julie Bowen

I was class mom at the preschool one year and I was pretty much asked not to do that again!

Julie Bowen

You don't want people to suffer or get fat when they're pregnant.

Julie Bowen

I have three kids. I should know how to take care of them.

Julie Bowen

I would love to do more movies, but the reality is women have many more opportunities on television to play a greater variety of characters.

Julie Bowen

I do find it odd people choose to do stuff that makes them look like crazy Hollywood faces, but I've got zero judgment.

Julie Bowen

I would like to say that I am a very relaxed, loving person who is not competitive, but that's a lie!

Julie Bowen

As a matter of fact, I get a little concerned about some of my anti-social habits.

Julie Bowen

I consider a day without running a crappy day. When I don't get to run, I am a grump, but some days my schedule just doesn't allow me to.

Julie Bowen

I don't always run in the mornings, but I am definitely better if I run in the mornings.

Julie Bowen

Television is where the best work for women is right now. I would love to do more movies, but the reality is women have many more opportunities on television to play a greater variety of characters.

Julie Bowen

I read books more than I go out. As a matter of fact, I get a little concerned about some of my anti-social habits. I will choose a night with Somerset Maugham or Russell Banks over a crowded bar any day.

Julie Bowen

I'm built like a 14-year-old boy. I have no waist, so anything I wear has to have a lot of trickeration going on. I don't fit into girl dresses. I can't just slip it on.

Julie Bowen

I just can't seem to make myself care about what I look like when I am working out.

Julie Bowen